Mapping the Transfer Landscape for California Community Colleges (2016-Current)
By Darla M. Cooper & Alyssa Nguyen (Project Directors)
The Research & Planning Group of California
Excerpt from the RP Group website:
"This study aims to identify strategies for increasing transfer among “high-leverage learners” in California Community Colleges — individuals who have completed all or most of their transfer requirements, but who do not make it “through the gate” to a university. Our study focuses on the Central Valley and Inland Empire as students in these regions have lower college completion and transfer rates, which suggests that they may face unique challenges along their transfer journey."
Reports and briefs from this study include:
Transfer Leaders Speak: Keeping Students on the Transfer Path, During the COVID-19 Pandemic and Beyond, October 2021
Students Speak: Understanding the Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on their Transfer Journeys, October, 2021
Transfer Stories and Strategies: How Six Student Groups Experience the Transfer Journey, September 2020
Students Speak Their Truth about Transfer: What They Need to Get Through the Gate, May 2020