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Advancing Equity With Effective Community College Transfer Pathways

November 2023

The Campaign for College Opportunity

Excerpt from the report website:

"The Campaign for College Opportunity is proud to release a new publication, Advancing Equity with Effective Community College Transfer Pathways, under our national initiative, Affirming Equity, Ensuring Inclusion, and Empowering Action authored by John Fink, Aurely Garcia Tulloch, and Jessica Steiger from the Community College Research Center at Teachers College, Columbia University, and Vikash Reddy, Vice President of Research, of the Campaign for College Opportunity, which examines:

  • Ways transfer reform can help close equity gaps in bachelor’s degree attainment by providing vital degree pathways for students from minoritized backgrounds, who disproportionately begin their educational pathways at community colleges;

  • Misaligned policies and inefficient practices that result in just 31% of transfer-intending students to actually transferring to a four-year institution, and only 13% completing a bachelor’s degree within six years, in spite of approximately 80% of new, associate degree-seeking community college entrants stating a goal to transfer;

  • A detailed look at the role of the Associate Degree for Transfer pathway in increasing access to a four-year degree and increasing equity in California higher education.

  • Recommendations for policymakers and advocates at the federal, state, and institutional levels to promote equitable access to a bachelor’s degree for community college students."

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