NISTS BLOGThe Growing Transfer-Credit MuddleWhat does continued student demand for flexible, online learning mean for the future of higher education, especially for transfer students?
NISTS BLOG“Audacious Advocacy”All of us—in whatever roles we inhabit—must be prepared to effectively advocate for the needs of transfer students in every meeting.
WEBINARSBeyond Free College: Making Higher Education Work for 21st Century StudentsWhat does it mean to be a transfer advocate when the idea of “free college” is central to the current national debate about the role of...
NISTS BLOGLessons the Pandemic Taught UsThis is post Number 2 in our NISTS blog series Transfer Advocacy in a Post-Pandemic Higher Education Biosphere.
BOOKS & JOURNALSBeyond Free College: Making Higher Education Work for 21st-Century Students (2021)Eileen Strempel & Stephen J. Handel (Eds.)