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Beyond Free College: Making Higher Education Work for 21st-Century Students (2021)
Eileen Strempel & Stephen J. Handel (Eds.)

Ask the Experts: Creating a Transfer Student-Centered Web Presence
mStoner and the National Institute for the Study of Transfer Students (NISTS) have released a comprehensive transfer website strategy...
How to Create a Transfer-Centered Website
National Institute for the Study of Transfer Students

How to Create a Transfer-Centered Website
Is your transfer website meeting your transfer students’ needs? Transferring between institutions can be complicated, so college websites...

Welcome to NTSW 2020!
It's the third week in October, so that means it's National Transfer Student Week! Join NISTS in celebrating these amazing students!

Congratulations, 2021 Transfer Ambassadors!
It's National Transfer Student Week 2020, and we're please to introduce this year's National Transfer Student Ambassador winners.

Serving Those Who Served
This post explores veteran students' academic and social experiences post transfer, particularly how they develop a sense of belonging.

2020 TSA's Conference Takeaways
In this video, the 2020 TSAs--Kaylee, Jahine, Tania, and Macia--talk about their experiences attending the NISTS 2020 annual conference.
Transfer Partnerships for Improved Equity and Outcomes (2020)
New Directions for Community Colleges

Creating a Best Practices Guide for Transfer Student Support
In this post, Transfer Specialists from Cuyahoga Community College (OH) describe their Transfer Center Best Practices Guide.

Tales from the Applied Zone: Lessons Learned from the Literature and Beyond
This post offers lessons learned from seven years of research and real-life experience at the UW-Madison Transfer Transition Program.

From Transfer Guides to Program Maps: Updating Your Website with Student-Friendly Terms
Simple instructional design and terminology changes made the UH-Manoa transfer center website more accessible and student friendly.
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